TubeBenderN works for thousands of customer comes from the furniture industry. Almost no furniture tube bending that TubeBenderN can not reach, no matter you are making home furniture, office furniture, medical furniture or some custom made furniture, we all could provide bending, cutting, endforming, punching, notching solutions for you.

We provide both CNC and NC tube and pipe fabrication machinery for the furniture industry, including pipe bending, pipe cutting, pipe end forming, pipe hole punching, pipe chamfering, pipe notching, etc.

Looking for a reliable solution?

Looking for a tube bending and tube forming solution to meet your specific request? Provide your detailed request in the right form, our sales expert will get in touch with you within 10 minutes. Or you can contact us by below contact information:


Phone & WhatsApp: (0086)1505 1715 426

Skype ID: ashley.gu19900325